One Arm and a Leg

Directed by Calla Videt

Written by Calla Videt, B. Walker Sampson, Ilinca Radulian, James Morris, and Jesse Barron

Presented as part of HEREstay & the  Dream Up Festival

Performed by Merrie Jane Brackin, Arlo Hill, Catrin Lloyd-Bollard, Jeff Kuperman, Rick Kuperman, Jamie Nelson, Aya Tucker, Liz Walker

Asst. Directed by Ilinca Radulian

Produced by Kevin Davies, Allison Kline, Lauren Rayner 

Choreography by Jeff and Rick Kuperman

Stage Managed by Kara Kaufman 

Asst. Stage Managed by Laura Hirschberg 

Scenic Design by Melissa Goldman

Lighting Design by Mary Ellen Stebbins 

Video Design by Trevor Martin 

Costume Design by Sarah Kenney 

Props Design by Julie Ross 

Video Op by Lillian Rodriguez

“Startlingly visceral. Eerily beautiful. Brilliant. One Arm and A Leg is one of the most exciting theater pieces I have seen this year. Videt and her company reimagine the elements of the avant garde in their own, exciting terms—and with flashes of humor. If you want to glimpse theatre’s future, go see One Arm and a Leg.”

Heather Violanti, TheatreOnline

“Mesmerizing choreography - fluid, rich and varied. The entire show is a unified, vibrant, and exceptional work. This is one of the best performances to play downtown this summer.”

Joseph Samuel Wright, TheaterIsEasy

Please Do Not Disturb (2014)

My Machine is Powered by Clocks (2013)

Convergence (2012)

that time, and the time before that, and... (2011)

Unlearning Intolerance (2010)

The Space Between (2009)

What If... (2012)

Sound Proof (2011)

The Past is a Foreign Country (2010)

Mnemonic (2008)

The Edge of the Map (2013)

Hold Music (2011/2012)

One Arm and a Leg (2010)

The Untitled Project (2010)

The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol (2007)